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President's Update

Summer 2020

Reggie Hall


Is it 2021 YET???

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At my age I don't normally look at the calendar and wish for the days to pass more quickly...but I am thinking 2020 might be the exception to that general rule. Yes every day is precious, but holy smokes.....can we get a do over or something????? (So far I think locusts are the only thing doubt that will be next!! And isn't that fire extinguisher just the perfect visual for 2020 so far???)

We are halfway through August and maybe...possibly... perhaps... we are just starting to see some light at the end of this long, dark tunnel we've been in. (Saturday night's power outage notwithstanding....)

So I wanted to give you a quick update on HOA activities, membership and financials through seven months of our fiscal year. 


As of the end of July, we are at 119 member homes, down from 129 in 2019. There were a total of 16 homes that did not renew, but we gained six homes that either joined for the first time, or rejoined after an absence. We started the year with a goal of increasing to 140 member homes, but that objective got sideways in a hurry. Considering the near complete shutdown and the economic uncertainty we have all faced, our numbers are still pretty strong. But it does mean we have a bit less revenue to work with than we originally thought. (Thank you to both our returning members and our new members. Your support of the HOA goes a long way toward ensuring our grounds and facilities can be maintained.)


Our original budget projected revenues from dues at $17,500 (140 homes). We are obviously falling short of that target which creates a revenue shortfall of $3,000 for the year. In order to avoid dipping into our cash reserve, we have aggressively worked to limit our expenses as you would expect us to do.

As of mid-August, our actual expenses were $7,595, which is $3,430 under budget for this time period. We have prioritized those items that are essential upkeep items for our grounds, and deferred some discretionary items (newsletters, etc.). (A complete current P&L statement will be emailed to all members via PayHOA.)

Neighborhood Party

As we are coming up on fall, we have begun thinking about the annual HOA sponsored neighborhood party. In year's past the party was held in mid-October and featured food, games, prizes, and last entertainment. While we would love to hold the party again this year, we know there may be some concerns about any such event because of the potential risk of COVID-19. Additionally, the food for the party is partially paid for by the HOA, and with budgets being tighter we have some concerns about that expense for this year. 

We have created a short online survey about the party so that we can capture your views before we make a decision. Click this link to complete the survey.

Please complete your survey by August 24th so we can determine the status of the neighborhood party for 2020.

Volunteer Support

As most of you know, the Board expanded to five positions this year and we were fortunate to have Lori Bauer take on the role of Board Secretary, in addition to the important position of Landscape Chair. Lori has done a magnificent job in both positions and coordinated donations from Mark Wood (Sam Rayburn) to completely redo the SR entrance. But, Lori has work commitments that have forced her to give up both positions. 

In the interim, Chris Wynn (Walden Way) and Joe Sulc (Granbury) have stepped up to handle the landscape responsibilities. But we are still looking for a Board Secretary. So if you want to dive in and work with the HOA, we can use the help. (It won't take a ton of time, I promise!!)

And Finally

We will update you on the status of the neighborhood party once we get responses to the survey back. In the meantime, please continue to be diligent in locking cars and shutting those garage doors. Keep doors to your homes locked at all times. And during this most bizarre period we are living through, community will prevail. If you need help, or someone to run errands let us know. 

If you have suggestions or ideas the Board should be considering, feel free to reach out to any of the Board members, or email me at

Stay safe and remember that "COVID weight" is a thing...


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